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📓 Intro to JavaScript

So far, we've successfully created our project's directory and files through the command line, added HTML content to our site with Atom, and incorporated basic styling and formatting using CSS. Next, we'll explore the basics of a programming language called JavaScript, which will allow us to add interactivity into our site. JavaScript is more complex than the topics we've covered so far so we'll spend two lessons discussing it.

We'll explore and experiment with basic JavaScript in this lesson. In the next lesson, we'll add an interactive form to our site using a library called jQuery.

Using JavaScript​

So far, our site is static and has no interaction. There's no way to make our page do anything.

Let's change that with JavaScript. JavaScript is a full-fledged programming language that takes years to master. At Epicodus, we concentrate on learning the fundamentals of the language, which is enough to get our students their first programming jobs. However, we don't need to know all the fundamentals just yet. This workshop will give you a taste of what JavaScript is like.

Let's use our terminal to create a new folder in our project called js. Within that folder, create a file called scripts.js.

Next, let's go into our index.html file and link scripts.js. It will be similar to how we linked our CSS file. However, we'll need to use a slightly different format. Update the <head> element in index.html to look like this:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/styles.css">
<script src="js/scripts.js"></script>
<title>Epicodus Workshop Project</title>

We use the <script> element and a src attribute to link JavaScript to HTML. Note that scripts are not self-closing so we need to close them with </script>.

Now let's open our scripts.js file and add some code.

alert("Hello World!");

Save your files and reload the page in the browser:


Our page just said hi. The box that popped up is called an alert.

JavaScript files run immediately when they are loaded. In this case, we're calling alert("Hello World!");. Let's break this down and talk about what's happening here. This is something called a function. Simply put, a function is a piece of code that carries out an operation. We can use all kinds of pre-existing functions and we can even define our own functions.

Here, we're calling a pre-existing function called alert(). Notice the parentheses? In programming, we call those parens. They're a good clue that the piece of code we're looking at is a function. The parens have a special use, which is to collect data that the function itself will then use. The information passed into parens is called an argument. In the case of our function here, we're giving it the argument "Hello World!".

Our phrase is contained within quotes. This is because in JavaScript, words aren't simply words. The word "alert" and the function alert() use the same set of letters so we need a way to differentiate them. For a function, we use parens. For a piece of text, we use quotes. A piece of text contained within quotes is called a string. When we write code, everything that needs to be treated as a piece of text must be formatted as a string.

String is a data type. There are many other data types. One example is numbers, which are called integers in JavaScript. Note that there is a difference between the number 2 and the string "2". The first is an integer while the second is a string. Let's see how this works.

Clear the contents of scripts.js and replace it with the following lines of code. Pause before you reload your page and try to predict what we might see.

alert(2 + 2);
alert(4 * "2");
alert(8 + "2");

We will get the following alerts:

  • 4
  • 8
  • 82

The first two make some sense. However, the third doesn't actually add the two numbers together.

  • In the first case, JavaScript took our two integers and added them.
  • Next, JavaScript tried to multiply 4 times the string "2". That would be like saying "What is the product of 4 times trout". It's a word. We can't do math with a word. So JavaScript changed the "2" from a string to an integer and gave us the result. It inferred the data type.
  • Finally, JavaScript took the integer 8 and tried to add the string "2". No problem. But instead of doing a mathematical operation, it attaches the string and the integer together. This is an operation in programming called concatenation. It's literally sticking two things together to make them one thing. This happened because the symbol we use in JavaScript to tell it to concatenate is the symbol +. If we were to add 5 and "trout" together, we would get "5trout".

Try experimenting with different combinations of strings and integers. Guess what will happen before you refresh your page.

There are many different data types in JavaScript and in computer programming in general. We can only scratch the surface in this workshop but we cover them in much more depth in our full curriculum. We can even define our own data types and set up rules for how they behave. If you'd like to learn more about JavaScript, there are many great resources online. Check out our lessons at or even sign up for our full-time or part-time Intro to Programming classes.

In our next lesson, we'll learn how to use JavaScript to do something useful on our page.